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Why Go Summer

Go Summer

Everybody loves the sunshine. Longer days, sunny mornings, warm, lingering evenings. That feeling of kicking back with time on your hands and the warm sun on your skin. It’s the season when those stretched out, basking days mean people have more time to get out there and be active. You feel yourself with more energy to really seize the day.

All of this means that the summer months can be the bumper time for a company. There are so many business growth strategies out there, from the silly to the scheme-like, but we’re suggesting something simpler, more natural. Cultivate and grow the association of your brand with summer, tap into the increased leisure time, take on some of that saved-up, disposable income, and watch everything grow in the sunshine.

Summer is when so many people make memories that will last a lifetime, where they are out there exploring, adventuring, and seeing the world. They can’t do this alone. They need products, they need services.  

In the winter, people are coiled up indoors and under blankets – static. Summer is a dynamic market, full of action and potential. When that person looks back at that amazing hiking trip, it should be your summer hiking gear that made it possible, or your itinerary that made it so amazing, or your accessories that made everything that little bit smoother. Associate your brand with summer and you will be woven into these beautiful memories. It is the ultimate in holistic, long-lasting brand association.

People spend all year putting away their money ready for that big summer splurge. This means that not only do people have more disposable income over the summer, but they are also actively trying to spend it. Meals and drinks aren’t an outrageous luxury anymore, you’re on holiday. Where people might be frugal about buying new objects, that cash is suddenly looser and more available. From the vital holiday essentials to the truly extravagant, people are ready and willing to spend their hard-earned cash on some summer joy. Don’t let that go to waste.

Of course, it’s not just about holidays and trips to the beach. Those warm days mean that summer is the most social season, a time of long evenings spent with friends outside soaking up the long days and blissfully short nights. People are more active, spending more time outside. There are more events, more parties, more BBQs, more of everything that is good. Nowhere is this clearer than when wedding season comes along, everybody dressed their best under cloudless blue skies.

These are all opportunities for your business. Become known for some of the best wedding gifts, and associate yourself with these special events. This is a route to not just some throw-away profit but a long-term growth strategy built around aligning yourself with the most memorable, special moments of people’s lives. These opportunities are there, ready and waiting. Go summer.

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